Monday, December 31, 2012

Second  Strategy

1.  This first strategy for Free Members invest for rental referrals:

A basic strategy that works very well with Neobux is as follows:

1. Choose a time of day that you can click ads and eventually manage your referrals at the same time everyday.

2. Click all available ads everyday (when you get referrals this is necessary to earn from referral clicks).

3. Utilize all free methods of advertising to gain any direct referrals. Talk it up with your friends and relatives. Put a tagline on your e-mail signature. Post in forums. Use free traffic exchanges.

4. Once your account balance reaches $2. Transfer this money to your rental balance and rent 3 referrals. It is only $0.90 to rent the referrals but you will need the remainder to properly manage the referrals.

5. Put the autopay function on.

6. If a referral of yours has not clicked in the last three days and has a click average of less than 1.8 then recycle it ($0.08) and get a new referral. If they have a click average of over 1.8, I will give them 7 days before I recycle them. I will give those with an average of over 2.0 the full 14 days to return and click just because I would hate to recycle a great referral just because they were on vacation for a week.

7. Whenever, one of your referrals goes below 20 days before next payment pay to add another 30 days. Below 20 days, the autopay function does not work and you will not get the savings for that referral.

8. Every time your account balance reaches $1 transfer the money to your rental balance. At first when you are only making a couple of cents per day it is important to keep enough in your rental balance to maintain your recycling activity because you can only transfer in $1 increments. Once you can complete this transfer and have at least $2.40 in your rental balance rent another 3 referrals.

9. Continue this process until you are making a $1 a day in your account balance. At this point you can begin renting in bigger chunks of referrals every 7 days. Never rent a number of referrals that is greater than 33% of your existing totals as these will become difficult to manage through recycling with your earnings.

10. It will take a while but continue the above listed process until you reach 500 referrals. At this point stop renting and just maintain your referrals. Accumulate the earnings until you can pay for the upgrade to golden.

11. Once golden, maintain your referrals as before. Every week continue to rent referrals until you hit the 2000 refs mark. Any money that you are not sinking into referral maintenance or renting is profit for you.
this is the proof payment to my account in paypal:

مركز تحميل الصور

This Secand strategy for pay and invest this is what I am using to earn fast:

1)   Before we discuss the Strategy, let us briefly describe what Neobux really is. 
Is an innovative PTC (Paid to Click) site, and this is not the PTC site you used to know. Neobux for sure is the innovation in PTC that you can actually make some money. You get paid by clicking on advertisers' Ads, typically $0.01 per Click. It doesn't sound like a lot, but if you employ a good strategy, particularly with the magic of "Rent Referral", you will be in an auto-pilot state collecting money 24/7. You can easily make up to $9,000 per year extra money with ....  And because rent-a-ref is such a unique and important feature, most of Neobux strategies are essentially related to how you deal with referrals renting.

2. Strategy for Gold Member:
A gold member requires lower average number of clicks (AVG) from referrals to break even. So if the AVG is above 1.0, you are basically in profit already. Lot of people may have written about Neobux on internet. Some showed their payment proof, some
showed the basics of Neobux, and very few explained the details how they made money with Neobux, particularly using the referral renting feature. What I am going to show you is the step by step implementation of a good and scientific sound Neobux Strategy.

Putting it into practice:

Week 1 - Rent 100 referrals, you will need to have a PayPal account to pay. Neobux charges $25/month, $6.25/week) for 100 rented referrals. Although you can start FREE to accumulate your earning to rent referrals, putting a small amount of money will accelerate the process a lot, and your earning will be much more than your investment pretty soon. Statistically, the number of clicks for a referral is 1.5 per day, so:
Week 1 Earning =100*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 4*7*0.01 (self clicks)=$10.8
Cost = $25 (rent 100 referrals)

Week 2 - Rent another 100 Referrals, so
Week 2 Earning = 200*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 4*7*0.01 (self clicks) = $21.3
Cost = $25 (rent 100 referrals) + $25 (referral renewal) + $0.7(recycling 10%) =$50.7

(1). You can only register as standard membership for the first couple of weeks, and the earning is $0.005/click for referrals (We made the calculation here simple using $0.01 for the first two weeks).
(2). Neobux has a "Auto pay" feature for rent referral renewal with 10% discount and assume 25% of the referrals will be renewed. i.e., so weekly renewal cost = 200*25% ($25/100)*0.9=$11.3
(3) Assume 10% recycling rate, i.e., 10% of referrals will be recycled each week, the recycling cost = 200*10%*0.08= $1.6

Week 3 - Rent another 100 Referrals, and upgrade to golden membership for $90 per year. This is highly recommended because you will earn $0.01 per click for your referrals to double your earning. So:

Week 3 Earning = 300*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 10*7*0.01 (self clicks) = $32.2
Cost = $25 (rent new 100 referrals) + $16.9 (rent renewal) +$2.4 (recycling) +$90 (membership)=$134.3

In the following weeks, you repeat the same thing adding 100 referrals every week. You can reinvest the earning to rent referrals. Of course, you need to spend 10-20 minutes a day to click a few Ads, otherwise the earnings from referrals will not be credited to your account. A piece of cake.
You can refer to the table and figure above for the earning and cost for each weeks. Please also note that you will need around $150 initial investment to get started to accelerate the earning.

Week 20 - By now, you should have reached the 2000 referrals limit by reinvesting what you have earned to rent more referrals every week.

Week 20 Earning = 2000*1.5*7*0.01 (Refs clicks) + 10*7*0.01 (Self Clicks) =$210.7
Cost = $25 (rent new 100 referrals) + $112.5 (rent renewal) +$16 (recycling)=$153.5
Profit = $210.7 - $153.5 = $57.2

From this point on, the earning and cost will be stabilized, because you have reached the 2000 rented referrals limit.
Since you can't buy new referrals any more, your cost will be only for referral renewal and recycling, which is $112.5 rent renewal) +$16 (recycling)= $128.5.
Your earning will still be $210.7 per week (same as week 20).
Therefore, your weekly profit becomes $210.7 - $128.5 = $82.2 per week, or $356 per month!
That doesn't sound too bad, right?

3)  Strategy for ULTIMATE member:

It gets harder and harder these days to rent referrals because more and more people are fighting for referrals. The referrals can be easily rented out even one minute after the clock because so many people out there are trying to rent the referrals. You snooze, you lose.

As an alternative, I paid another $890 to upgrade to Ultimate Pack because I have a full-time job and I want to spend less time on this. However, the money spent should pay off fairly quickly.
It guarantees that the rented referrals are delivered to you on time and on a accelerated rate, which is 200 rent referrals every 4 days, or approximately 300 referrals per week!
Once you reach the maximum 4,000 rented referrals for Ultimate Pack, you can earn as much as $177 per week profit, or $9,200 a year! See Table 2 and Figure 2 below.

I will explain the cost and earning for week 20 as an example:
Week 20 Earning = 4,000*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 15*7*0.02 (self clicks) = $422.1
Week 20 Cost = 4,000*25%*$0.25*90% (referral renewal) + 4,000*10%*$0.05 = $245
Profit = $ 422.1 - $ 245 = $177.1 per week, or $767 per month

Again, the assumptions are:
a. 1.5 average clicks per referral per day (AVG)
b. 25% referrals are renewed every week, or all 4,000 are renewed every month.
c. 10% referrals are recycled every week, or 40% of all referrals are recycled every month. d. Auto pay is turned on to get 10% discount on referral renewal.

If you want to want to try different assumptions, plug your numbers into the number equations above to get an idea. It is impossible for me to present all the scenarios in this article here.

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