Monday, December 31, 2012

Off-Line Promotion

Offline Promotion

1. Offline promotion can have a beneficial effect on your business. This is particularly valid when you want to attract a wider clientele to your online shop or media.

2. Suppose you are developing an online pet food and accessories store. You can reach your potential clients not only though internet marketing but via the instruments of traditional marketing communications: print advertising, face-to-face sales, direct marketing and PR.

3. Your online store could set up a partnership with dog schools or you can start one yourself. Sponsoring dog shows could also be a way to promote your business. Popular dog walking spots are a good place to distribute flyers and why not organize a photo competition (say, for dog and owner lookalikes) and get a pet magazine to publish it?

4. Consumers draw no sensory line of distinction between online and offline information, so why should you?

5. Your initial target group will include people who don’t much use the internet. They are not likely to be doing their shopping online and it is your job to entice them to do so regularly. You are not likely to achieve your goal online, so offline promotion is the way to go.

6. Your second target group will be people who make a habit of online shopping. That’s the good news. The bad news is, they go to the competition. How do you win them over? One possibility is to lower prices, but then profit goes down too, or you may even incur a loss. The sensible option is to offer them more value for money – a better experience, more information, better service too.

7. Going back to the abovementioned example, using offline methods of promotion may put your brand or business in the enviable position of being part of the relationship between owner and pet.

8. People are yet to find a way to access the internet with their pets, right?

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